Lose Weight

  & Get Yourself into Great Shape...

without giving up the Food That You Love!!

Lose Weight & Get Yourself into Great Shape...

without giving up The Food That You Love!!

Lose Weight & Get Yourself
into Great Shape

without giving up
The Food That You Love!!

You are the Billboard / Example that Your Children Will follow!

You are the Billboard / Example that

Your Children Will follow!

  • Want to Lose Weight?
  • Want to Get Yourself into Great Shape?
  • Want to Do this the Easiest Way Possible?

So... why hasn't it happened for you yet?
Come on... admit it

This isn't the first time you've tried to find a solution for Losing Weight and for Getting Yourself into Great Shape.

You Are In The Right Place

It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from…

  • Or who you are…
  • Or what environment you’re in…
  • Or what your past looks like.

Let me just tell you,

It Can Work For You

When you read this letter to the end you're going to discover exactly how Losing Weight and getting yourself into Great Shape can be accomplished

  • withoutFeeling Overwhelmed or
  • withoutMaking Huge Sacrifices &
  • withoutGiving Up The Food That You Love!!
  • Want to Lose Weight?
  • Want to Get Yourself into Great Shape?
  • Want to Do this the Easiest Way Possible?

So... why hasn't it happened
for you yet?

Come on... admit it

This isn't the first time you've tried to find a solution for Losing Weight and for Getting Yourself into Great Shape.

You Are
In The Right Place

It doesn’t matter where you’re starting from…

  • Or who you are…
  • Or what environment you’re in…
  • Or what your past looks like.

Let me just tell you,

It Can Work For You

When you read this letter to the end you're going to discover exactly how Losing Weight and getting yourself into Great Shape can be accomplished

  • without Feeling Overwhelmed
  • ​​without Making Huge Sacrifices
  • ​​without Giving Up The Food That You Love!!

Hey, my name is Jeff Smith, and not too long ago I was just like you...

Let me tell you a quick story about how after many years of doing things the right way for my health, I realized that I had gone off course and gained over 30 lbs. while my waist measurement went from 35" to 43".

Hey, my name is Jeff Smith, and not too long ago I was just like you...

Let me tell you a quick story about how after many years of doing things the right way for my health, I realized that I had gone off course and gained over 30 lbs. while my waist measurement went from 35" to 43".

I felt awful and tremendously disappointed in myself!!

I felt awful and tremendously disappointed in myself!!

Why did I let this happen?

I was struggling with trying to find the time to exercise and still meet my career responsibilities. I became so frustrated that I decided to just give up exercising all together until I could find another job that didn’t require a 2 hour daily commute. I convinced myself that taking some time off from exercising would be a good thing... My Midlife Break.

What a Big Mistake that was!

You see, at the time I was trying to prove myself at a new job. I felt I had no choice but to commit to the opportunity and give up exercising temporarily while I tried to regain my financial security after being unemployed for 6 months.

Then the bottom fell out from under me...

Two months into my new job I showed up for work on a Friday (payday) and I was told by the owner that he didn't have a check for me. He also informed me that he was changing my pay plan and if I wanted to keep working for him it would be a few weeks before I would receive another check. As you might think

I was extremely upset!!

I instinctively knew I had to keep it together. Just like most of us, I was living paycheck to paycheck and I knew I had to convince him to pay me for the current week or I would be driving away...

Completely Broke & Out of Options!!

Well, after a lengthy discussion with the owner and his business consultant, they decided to pay me for the week and to keep my pay plan as originally agreed. Unfortunately for them, after much consideration over the weekend, I decided that I could no longer trust them. I contacted them Monday morning and resigned.

So Now What??

Why did I let this happen?

I was struggling with trying to find the time to exercise and still meet my career responsibilities. I became so frustrated that I decided to just give up exercising all together until I could find another job that didn’t require a 2 hour daily commute. I convinced myself that taking some time off from exercising would be a good thing... My Midlife Break.

What a Big Mistake
that was!

You see, at the time I was trying to prove myself at a new job. I felt I had no choice but to commit to the opportunity and give up exercising temporarily while I tried to regain my financial security after being unemployed for 6 months.

Then the bottom fell out from under me...

Two months into my new job I showed up for work on a Friday (payday) and I was told by the owner that he didn't have a check for me. He also informed me that he was changing my pay plan and if I wanted to keep working for him it would be a few weeks before I would receive another check. As you might think

I was extremely upset!!

I instinctively knew I had to keep it together. Just like most of us, I was living paycheck to paycheck and I knew I had to convince him to pay me for the current week or I would be driving away...

Completely Broke &
Out of Options!!

Well, after a lengthy discussion with the owner and his business consultant, they decided to pay me for the week and to keep my pay plan as originally agreed. Unfortunately for them, after much consideration over the weekend, I decided that I could no longer trust them. I contacted them Monday morning and resigned.

So Now What??

I had previously given up my gym membership and wasn't going to use any of the money I had remaining to rejoin a gym. Yes, I could have worked out at home and gained some benefit, but I decided to wait until I had this income issue worked out.

"A Guy Thing"

Now I was under even more stress... The late night overeating continued to get worse!!

As you can imagine, I was completely out of shape and desperate, but I wasn't ready to give up on my desire to get back into great shape and to regain control over how much I was eating.

The problem was...

I didn't understand how...
Easy it is to Lose Weight while Getting into Great Shape

Feeling Overwhelmed
and without...
Making Huge Sacrifices!!

I Knew I would never lose the weight or regain control of my eating unless I figured out how to do so...

Without exercising every day
Without giving up all of my favorite foods! "Pizza"

That's when I knew I had to make a change...

  • So, first I tried applying willpower. That didn't work at all!
  • I even tried exercising at home and eating more vegetables, but that just plain sucked!!
  • Then I tried reducing the portion sizes of the food I was eating, and it worked a little better.

And that's when I finally tried applying some...

Simple and Easy to Follow

Exercise Techniques & Nutritional Principles

that are recommended in...

"The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program"

And guess what?

This time it worked!

And that's when I realized...

It wasn't my fault!!

I was failing because of all the False Ideas & Unrealistic Training Routines being provided by the Health Clubs, Gyms and their Personal Trainers.

No Wonder I Was Struggling

They wanted me to believe
that I had to...
Exercise Every Day
Change Up My Routine
Eat Like a Rabbit

When I realized that "They Were Wrong", I was finally able to break out of their chains and get the results I deserved!

The real problem was...

All the Bad Advice
given by the Health Clubs, Gyms and their Personal Trainers.

THEY were the ones keeping me from discovering that losing weight and getting into great shape could be accomplished

Without Feeling Overwhelmed or Without Making Huge Sacrifices!

Once I realized

that I could get results by...

Working out only 2/3 days a week

while completing...

The same exercise routine

each time and still...

Eat the foods that I love (Pizza) "In Moderation"

that's when I started to understand losing weight and getting into great shape could be accomplished..

Faster Than I Thought!

I used what I discovered to be able to:

  • Take Back The Power  and Get Back into Great Shape while Losing 30lbs. & 6-1/2" on my waist.
  • Workout/Exercise  Only 2 to 3 Times each Week
  • Complete the Same Routine  During each Workout
  • **Optimize My Diet  by Protecting & Nourishing my Cells with High Quality Nutritional Supplements
  • Replace Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks  with Healthy Low Glycemic Shakes and Bars
  • Eat The Foods That I Love  for Dinner (Pizza) in Moderation... while learning to prepare better quality meals for myself and my family.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

But it wasn't just me...

Take a look at what applying these principles has done for others!!

I had previously given up my gym membership and wasn't going to use any of the money I had remaining to rejoin a gym. Yes, I could have worked out at home and gained some benefit, but I decided to wait until I had this income issue worked out.

"A Guy Thing"

Now I was under even more stress... The late night overeating continued to get worse!!

As you can imagine, I was completely out of shape and desperate, but I wasn't ready to give up on my desire to get back into great shape and to regain control over how much I was eating.

The problem was...

I didn't understand how...
Easy it is to Lose Weight while
Getting into Great Shape


Feeling Overwhelmed
and without...
Making Huge Sacrifices!!

I Knew I would never lose the weight or regain control of my eating unless I figured out how to do so...

Without exercising every day
Without giving up all of my
favorite foods! "Pizza"

That's when I knew I had to
make a change...

  • So, first I tried applying willpower. That didn't work at all!
  • I even tried exercising at home and eating more vegetables, but that just plain sucked!!
  • Then I tried reducing the portion sizes of the food I was eating, and it worked a little better.

And that's when I finally tried applying some...

Simple and Easy to Follow

Exercise Techniques and
Nutritional Principles

that are recommended in...

"The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program"

And guess what?

This time it worked!

And that's when I realized...

It wasn't my fault!!

I was failing because of all the False Ideas & Unrealistic Training Routines being provided by the Health Clubs, Gyms and their Personal Trainers.

No Wonder I Was Struggling

They Wanted me to Believe
that I had to...
Exercise Every Day
Change Up My Routine
Eat Like a Rabbit

When I realized that

"They Were Wrong"

I was finally able to break out of their chains and get the results
I deserved!

The real problem was...

All the Bad Advice
given by the Health Clubs, Gyms and their Personal Trainers.

THEY were the ones
keeping me from discovering
that losing weight and getting into great shape could be accomplished

Without Feeling Overwhelmed or Without Making Huge Sacrifices!

Once I realized

that I could get results by...
Working out only 2/3 days a week

while completing...
The same exercise routine

each time and still...
Eat the foods that I love (Pizza)
"In Moderation"

that's when I started to understand losing weight and getting into great shape could be accomplished...

Faster Than I Thought!!

I used what I discovered
to be able to:

  • Take Back The Power and Get Back into Great Shape while Losing 30lbs. & 6-1/2" on my waist.
  • Workout/Exercise Only 2 to 3 Times each Week
  • Complete the Same Routine During each Workout
  • **Optimize My Diet by Protecting & Nourishing my Cells with High Quality Nutritional Supplements
  • Replace Breakfast, Lunch & Snacks with Healthy Low Glycemic Shakes and Bars
  • Eat The Foods That I Love for Dinner (Pizza) in Moderation... while learning to prepare better quality meals for myself and my family.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

But it wasn't just me...

Take a look at what applying
these principles
has done for

Life Took Them Off Course...

They got back on track by following the Same Principles that I used, while adapting them to fit their own Personality, Values and Schedule.

I didn't realize it when I started, but these Principles not only Simplify the Process for Losing Weight and Getting into Great Shape without Feeling Overwhelmed or having to make Huge Sacrifices, but they also help you...

Become More Successful
in Other Areas of Your Life!!

These Principles Are Not being
taught in Health Clubs, Gyms or by
their Personal Trainers.

And that’s why I decided to
Share These Principles with You
by offering you the opportunity to join The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program...

Life Took Them Off Course...

They got back on track by following the Same Principles that I used,
while adapting them to fit their own Personality, Values and Schedule.

I didn't realize it when I started, but these Principles not only simplify the process for Losing Weight and Getting into Great Shape without Feeling Overwhelmed or having to make Huge Sacrifices, but they also help you...

Become More Successful in Other Areas of Your Life!!

These Principles Are Not being taught in
Health Clubs, Gyms or by their Personal Trainers.

And that’s why I decided to Share these Principles with You by offering you the opportunity to join The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program...


It took many years for The Healthy Edge Program to be developed and refined into its current online version, while costing more than $150,000 along the way.

But it has been totally worth it!

It makes knowing whether I was doing the right thing or not so much easier!

What used to take me 5 or 6 trips to the gym each week to accomplish and countless hours of calorie counting, I can now get done in as few as 2 visits a week and just a few minutes each day journaling my progress and how I feel.

In fact, here's just a sample of what you'll have
the opportunity to experience...

  • Lose Weight  while building a strong and healthy body in a condensed time frame.
  • ​Spend Less Time at the Gym  and more time with your family.
  • ​Simple and Effective Methods  that are Easy to follow and Easy to apply to your own personality, values and schedule.
  • ​Better Personal Health **by consuming High Quality Nutritional Supplements that have the ability to help Strengthen Your Immune System, while nourishing and protecting your body's cells.
  • Gain the Respect of Others  as they see your success.
  • Healthier Children  as they start modeling your successful habits and behaviors.
  • Enjoy Adding Healthy Living Principles  into your life when it is most convenient for you and at your own pace.
  • Turn Your New Healthy Lifestyle  into a part-time gig/hustle $$ "Freedom".

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Why Should You Listen To Me, Though?

I'm a Professional that Actually
Follows the Principles that He Recommends to You

It took many years for
"The Healthy Edge Program"
to be developed and refined into its current online version, while costing more than $150,000 along the way.

But it has been totally worth it!

It makes knowing whether I was doing the right thing or not, so much easier!

What used to take me 5 or 6 trips to the gym each week to accomplish and countless hours of calorie counting, I can now get done in as few as 2 visits a week and just a few minutes each day journaling my progress and how I feel.

In fact, here's just a sample of what you'll have the opportunity to experience...

  • Lose Weight while building a strong and healthy body in a condensed time frame.
  • ​​Spend Less Time at the Gym and more time with your family.
  • Simple and Effective Methods that are Easy to follow and Easy to apply to your own personality, values and schedule.
  • Better Personal Health **by consuming High Quality Nutritional Supplements that have the ability to help Strengthen Your Immune System, while nourishing and protecting your body's cells.
  • ​​Gain the Respect of Others as they see your success.
  • Healthier Children as they start modeling your successful habits and behaviors.
  • ​​Enjoy Adding Healthy Living Principles into your life when it is most convenient for you and at your own pace.
  • Turn Your New Healthy Lifestyle into a part-time gig/hustle $$ "Freedom".

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Why Should You Listen To Me, Though?

I'm a Professional that Actually
Follows the Principles that He Recommends to You

Take a look at this:

  • I've been a "Healthy Dad" Leading by Example for over 30 years.
  • A former athlete  that made a successful transition from staying fit for competition to competing with myself to stay Healthy and Fit for a Lifetime.
  • Over 35 years  as a member at various health clubs and gyms throughout the United States.
  • Former Health Club  Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Membership Sales Director and General Manager.
  • ​Made some bad health choices and gained over 30lbs but corrected the issues and learned from my mistakes while getting back on track.
  • ​**After more than 27 years of self-education and personal consumption, I have gained a great understanding of The advantages of incorporating High-Quality Nutritional Supplements into my diet. These supplements help nourish and protect my body's cells, allowing them to perform their intended functions and operate at optimal levels. Because I provide my cells with all that they need, I believe that I have a much stronger and healthier immune system that has a greater ability to fight off sickness naturally, as it's meant to do.
  • Integrity, Moderation and Modesty  in all that I do and in all that I offer to you.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.
These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

You've Laughed & Cried
You've succeeded & Failed
You've Fallen Down & Have Gotten Back Up!!
You know what You want and
You Just Keep On Keeping On!!
It's All Just Part of the Journey...
What's Your Journey?

But, before you get started, let me ask you a question...

Would you like to get access to "The Healthy Edge Program"

for Less Than the Yearly Cost of a
Health Club Membership and a Personal Trainer??

You'll have access to all the online
Health & Fitness Material
provided inside the
Members Area...

Now, while it would be impossible to show you ALL of the benefits of being enrolled in "The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program", I want to show you some of the things that you'll experience as soon as you're on the inside.

Your "Healthy Edge Program" Includes...

  • Online Health & Fitness Information for Beginners in a step-by-step approach, so you can Take Back the Power, which means you can become the example you want to be.
  • Access to Health & Fitness Knowledge so you can decide what Level of Health & Fitness is right for You and what it means to You. This will lead you to a better understanding of your True Hopes and Desires.
  • Learn How to Strengthen & Support Your Immune System so that your body has the ability to fight off sickness naturally, as it's meant to do.
  • ​​Understanding Why You Don't Have to Exercise Every Day to achieve your Desired Results.
  • Access to the Health & Fitness Principles that others have used successfully, so you can adapt them to fit Your Personality, Values and Schedule. This means you can finally Lose the Weight you desire to lose while Getting Yourself into Great Shape.
  • A Commonsense Approach to Living Healthy, Happy, Fit & Free.

Your Digital Home Kit

  • Guide Book: 
    Defining and Creating Your BIG WHY
    Creating a Safe Environment
    Grocery and Pantry Shopping List
    How to Create Your Rock Star Food Plan
    Ideas for QUICK Low-Glycemic Meals and Snacks
    The Five Healthy Edge Daily Goals
    How to Be Healthy and Enjoy Those Foods (and Drinks) You Love Too!
    How to Kick Self-Sabotage to the Curb!
  • The Healthy Edge Cookbook: 

120+ Whole Food Recipes
(gluten and dairy-free friendly)

  • Wellness Tracker: 

For Daily Accountability and Focus

Your Course Lesson Videos...

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Your Weekly Empowering Audios...

The empowering audios are the core of The Healthy Edge Lifestyle. It's what makes us different than anything else you have tried in the past. These powerful topics hold the potential for you to have massive breakthroughs.

  • Cost vs Benefit / Be-Do-Have
  • Belief Systems
  • Victim vs Empowered
  • Resistance - Resentment - Revenge
  • Fact vs Meaning
  • Defining Self-Worth
  • Setting Boundaries
  • ​Surrender

Additional Course Resources...

  • Tip of The Week Videos
  • Point A-Assessment
  • Point B-Assessment
  • Weekly Lesson Notes
  • Daily & Weekly Trackers
  • ​Guide to Oils
  • ​Breakfast Ideas
  • ​Kid Snack Ideas
  • ​Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits & Vegetable
  • ​Kids Games​
  • Eating Out Guide
  • ​Healthy Edge Snack Ideas
  • ​Quick Snack Recipes
  • ​Food Labels Guide
  • ​Egg Guide
  • ​Pesticide Guide
  • ​Healthy Edge Approved Companies
  • ​Gluten Free Products
  • ​Kids Product Reviews

The total value of all this is well over $3,500


Because everything in your life
centers around...

and if you Lost Your Health
most people would
Spend Their Entire Life's Savings
trying to get it back.

Want some even better news?

I'm not going to charge you $3,500.

If all this did was Help You...

Be more aware of what you are eating
Be more motivated so that you started Exercising once in awhile

Would it be Worth it ?


Feel a little better about yourself
Understand what level of Health & Fitness is right for you

Would it be Worth it ?

...of Course it Would!

But Wait, That's Not All!

We Want To Make This The Easiest, No-Brainer Decision Of Your Life... So You Can Sign Up Today And Start Your Healthy Edge Journey Right Away!

Here Are Some FREE Bonus Gifts You’ll Receive When You Sign Up Today:

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

($197 Value)

Lifetime or Monthly Membership

Lifetime Membership

  • ​The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program (Lifetime Access)........ $3,500 Value
  • BONUS 1 ​Over 300 Additional Recipes........................................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 2 ​Body Shock "30 Day Exercise Challenge".................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 3 ​Raging Hormones................................................................................. $197 Value
  • BONUS 4a ​Parents Fight Back............................................................................. $197 Value
  • BONUS 4b ​Family Meal Plans "Super Food Suppers"................................. $197 Value
  • ​BONUS 5 ​Food Prep Workshops......................................................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 6 ​The Truth About Gluten...................................................................... $197 Value

Total Value: $4,879

The Healthy Edge

"Digital-Course" Re-Launch!

"Limited Time Offer"

Gain Instant Lifetime Access to:

Gain Instant Lifetime or Monthly Access to:

Lifetime Membership

All For Only - $997


(one-time investment)

“Payment Plan” available at Checkout

Lifetime Membership

All For Only - $997


(one-time investment)


Monthly Membership

All For Only - $97


(monthly recurring investment)

Only Available Now during our "Digital-Course" Re-Launch!

This Offer Isn't Available Any Other Place

So as a Reminder - Your Course Includes...

  • Online Health & Fitness Information for Beginners  in a step-by-step approach, so you can Take Back the Power, which means you can become the example you want to be
  • Access to Health & Fitness Knowledge  so you can decide what Level of Health & Fitness is right for You and what it means to You. This will lead you to a better understanding of your True Hopes and Desires.
  • Learn How to Strengthen & Support Your Immune System  so that your body has the ability to fight off sickness naturally, as it's meant to do.
  • ​​Understanding Why You Don't Have to Exercise Everyday  to achieve your Desired Results.
  • Access to the Health & Fitness Principles  that others have used successfully so you can adapt them to fit your Personality, Values and Schedule. This means you can finally Lose the Weight you desire while Getting Yourself into Great Shape.
  • ​​A Commonsense Approach  to Living Healthy, Happy, Fit & Free.

These Principles Are Not being taught in Health Clubs, Gyms or by their Personal Trainers.

"Just Imagine What Life Will Be Like"

when you discover how

Losing Weight & Getting into Great Shape

can be accomplished

Without Feeling Overwhelmed or Without Making Huge Sacrifices!

After you Sign Up, you'll be taken to a secure members' area where you can access The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program
even if it's 2:00 a.m.!!

For those who are already signing up, this is what's going to happen next:

  • You will be directed to the "Members Area" registration page where you will setup your user info and password and be logged into the Members Area.
  • You'll Have Immediate Access to Your 8 Week Course


Let's Be Blunt: If you pass on this offer, will you succeed with Losing Weight & Getting yourself into Great Shape while Saving Time and Reducing the overall Effort needed? Probably not!

You'll just keep struggling and never figure out how to accomplish your Health & Fitness goals while adapting them to fit your Personality, Values and Schedule!

Most of what you need is

Understanding, Encouragement & Information

from someone who has successfully

"Been There and Done That!"

"Never Before"

Have you had such a Unique Opportunity
to gain instant access to all that

The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program

has to offer... while helping you discover how

Losing Weight & Getting into Great Shape

can be accomplished

Without Feeling Overwhelmed or Without Having to Make Huge Sacrifices!

Lifetime Membership

Lifetime or Monthly Membership

  • ​The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program (Lifetime Access)........ $3,500 Value
  • BONUS 1 ​Over 300 Additional Recipes........................................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 2 ​Body Shock "30 Day Exercise Challenge".................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 3 ​Raging Hormones................................................................................. $197 Value
  • BONUS 4a ​Parents Fight Back............................................................................. $197 Value
  • BONUS 4b ​Family Meal Plans "Super Food Suppers"................................. $197 Value
  • ​BONUS 5 ​Food Prep Workshops......................................................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 6 ​The Truth About Gluten...................................................................... $197 Value

Total Value: $4,879

Act Now

so you can Lose Weight, Get Yourself into Great Shape
Become More Successful in Other Areas of Your Life!!
Like I did...

This Introductory

Healthy Edge

"Digital-Course" Re-Launch Sale Price of...



(One Time Investment)




(Monthly Recurring Investment)

is a

"Buy it NOW Before it's Gone" offer... so Act Fast!

“Payment Plan” available at Checkout

Lifetime Access

  • ​The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program (Lifetime Access)........ $3,500 Value
  • BONUS 1 ​Over 300 Additional Recipes........................................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 2 ​Body Shock "30 Day Exercise Challenge".................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 3 ​Raging Hormones................................................................................. $197 Value
  • BONUS 4a ​Parents Fight Back............................................................................. $197 Value
  • BONUS 4b ​Family Meal Plans "Super Food Suppers"................................. $197 Value
  • ​BONUS 5 ​Food Prep Workshops......................................................................... $197 Value
  • BONUS 6 ​The Truth About Gluten...................................................................... $197 Value

Total Value: $4,879

Act Now

so you can Lose Weight, Get Yourself into Great Shape
Become More Successful in Other Areas of Your Life!!
Like I did...

This Introductory

"Healthy Edge"
Site Re-Launch price of...



is a

"Buy it NOW Before it's Gone" offer... so Act Fast!

This site is not a part of the Facebook and/or Google Inc. Additionally, this site is NOT endorsed by Facebook and/or Google in any way. FACEBOOK is a trademark of FACEBOOK, Inc.

Take a look at this:

  • I've been a "Healthy Dad" Leading by Example for over 30 years.
  • A former athlete that made a successful transition from staying fit for competition to competing with myself to stay Healthy and Fit for a Lifetime.
  • Over 35 years as a member at various health clubs and gyms throughout the United States.
  • Former Health Club Group Fitness Instructor, Personal Trainer, Membership Sales Director and General Manager.
  • ​Made some bad health choices and gained over 30lbs, but corrected the issues and learned from my mistakes while getting back on track.
  • ​**After more than 27 years of self-education and personal consumption, I have gained a great understanding of The advantages of incorporating High-Quality Nutritional Supplements into my diet. These supplements help nourish and protect my body's cells, allowing them to perform their intended functions and operate at optimal levels. Because I provide my cells with all that they need, I have a much stronger and healthier immune system that has a greater ability to fight off sickness naturally, as it's meant to do.
  • Integrity, Moderation and Modesty in all that I do and in all that I offer to you.

**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products and services are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

You've Laughed & Cried
You've succeeded & Failed
You've Fallen Down
& Have Gotten Back Up!!
You know what You want and
You Just Keep On Keeping On!!
It's All Just Part of the Journey...
What's Your Journey?

But, before you get started,
let me ask you a question...

Would you like to get access to
The Healthy Edge Program"...

For Less Than the Yearly Cost of a
Health Club Membership and a
Personal Trainer?

You'll have access to all the online
Health & Fitness Material
provided inside the

Members Area...

Now, while it would be impossible to show you ALL of the benefits of being enrolled in...

"The Healthy Edge 8-Week Lifestyle Program"

I want to show you some of the things that you'll experience as soon as you're on the inside.

Your "Healthy Edge Program" Includes...

  • Online Health & Fitness Information for Beginners in a step-by-step approach, so you can Take Back the Power, which means you can become the example you want to be.
  • Access to Health & Fitness Knowledge so you can decide what Level of Health & Fitness is right for You and what it means to You. This will lead you to a better understanding of your True Hopes and Desires.
  • Learn How to Strengthen & Support Your Immune System so that your body has the ability to fight off sickness naturally, as it's meant to do.
  • ​​Understanding Why You Don't Have to Exercise Everyday to achieve your Desired Results.
  • Access to the Health & Fitness Principles that others have used successfully, so you can adapt them to fit Your Personality, Values and Schedule. This means you can finally Lose the Weight you desire to lose while Getting Yourself into Great Shape.
  • A Common Sense Approach to Living Healthy, Happy, Fit & Free.

Your Digital Home Kit

  • Getting Started Right Guide Book: 
    - Defining and Creating Your BIG WHY
    - Creating a Safe Environment
    - Grocery and Pantry Shopping List
    - How to Create Your Rock Star Food Plan
    - Ideas for QUICK Low-Glycemic Meals and Snacks
    - The Five Healthy Edge Daily Goals
    - How to Be Healthy and Enjoy Those Foods (and Drinks) You Love Too!
    - How to Kick Self-Sabotage to the Curb!
  • The Healthy Edge Cookbook:
    120+ Whole Food Recipes (gluten and dairy-free friendly)
  • Wellness Tracker: For Daily Accountability and Focus

Your Course Lesson Videos...

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4

Week 5

Week 6

Week 7

Week 8

Your Weekly
Empowering Audios...

The empowering audios are the core of The Healthy Edge Lifestyle. It's what makes us different than anything else you have tried in the past. These powerful topics hold the potential for you to have massive breakthroughs.

  • Cost vs Benefit / Be-Do-Have
  • Belief Systems
  • Victim vs Empowered
  • Resistance - Resentment - Revenge
  • Fact vs Meaning
  • Defining Self-Worth
  • Setting Boundaries
  • ​Surrender

Additional Course Resources...

  • Tip of The Week Videos
  • Point A-Assessment
  • Point B-Assessment
  • Weekly Lesson Notes
  • Daily & Weekly Trackers
  • ​Guide to Oils
  • ​Breakfast Ideas
  • ​Kid Snack Ideas
  • ​Tips for Getting Kids to Eat More Fruits & Vegetable
  • ​Kids Games​
  • Eating Out Guide
  • ​Healthy Edge Snack Ideas
  • ​Quick Snack Recipes
  • ​Food Labels Guide
  • ​Egg Guide
  • ​Pesticide Guide
  • ​Healthy Edge Approved Companies
  • ​Gluten Free Products
  • ​Kids Product Reviews

The total value of all this is well over $3,500


Because everything in your life centers around...

and if you Lost Your Health
most people would

Spend Their Entire Life's Savings
trying to get it back.

Want some even
Better News?

I'm not going to charge you $3,500

If all this did was Help You...

Be more aware of
what you are eating

Be more motivated so that you started Exercising once in awhile

Would it be Worth it ?


If all this did was Help You...

Feel a little better about yourself
Understand what level of Health & Fitness is right for you

Would it be Worth it ?

...of Course it Would!

But Wait,
That's Not All!

We Want To Make This The Easiest, No-Brainer Decision Of Your Life... So You Can Sign Up Today And Start Your Healthy Edge Journey Right Away!

Here Are Some FREE Bonus Gifts You’ll Receive When You Sign Up Today:

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